Today is Isaac's 10-month birthday. It's hard to believe we've already been home a month. As someone else some ways being in Vietnam really seems just like a dream. It went by so fast. It's hard for me to remember life before Isaac. He is adjusting so well. It's really amazing. He loves cheerios and puffs (as you can see from the picture....sometimes they don't always make it in his mouth). He can paddy-cake, wave bye-bye, give 5, and best of all.....he gives big sloppy kisses and occasionally says....Momma. He likes playing with his toys and has started watching some dvds, which is great.....because it gives me a chance to do a little here and there.....while he is being entertained. :-)
I still plan to do a semi-Vietnam-recap. But i know the longer i wait.....the less and less i will remember. Need to get on that for sure.
Thanks to everyone who has been so supportive throughout this journey!