Sunday, December 16, 2007 i lied

Still not able to post a picture. Hopefully tomorrow!!! We have definitely taken a bunch. :-)

Tonight we ate at a very good authentic Vietnamese restaurant with Izzy & company and Teo & company! Was very good. My new favorite Vietnamese dish is Stir fried Pineapple!

Sunday night in! You wouldn't believe it. So much traffic and so many people.....everywhere!!! But we are getting a little better at crossing the street. I think the most people we've seen on a scooter so far is 4. But i think the rule is however many people are in your family is how many can ride on your scooter. Outside of the tax center was total chaos....i'm serious! Isaac was in his snuggly carrier and he didn't seem to mind a bit.....i think he liked all the excitement.

Tomorow is a big day. First the moms go and apply for babies' passports. Then take the babies to get their passport picture. Then in the afternoon they have their medical checkups. Should be a fun day! :-)

Then Tuesday evening off to Hanoi. Still have more shopping to do here though. :-)

And by now am craving a sonic vanilla diet coke (heather i hope you've made many happy hour runs). That may be my first stop after getting home. Also ready for some ice! Diet cokes are not always found. (actually here they are Coca-cola - light.....seriously....that's what the can says. taste i guess the same....a little hard to tell...since they aren't real cold. :-)) And we got something we thought was a can of tea the other day.....but not quite sure what it actually was. not good!

Overall, the trip has been great! Vietnam is a wonderful country. The people here are very nice. And they all love babies. So many have smiled and/or commented on how cute Isaac is. And one young Vietnamese girl today while shopping held him (got him from out of the snuggly). Was expecting it to happen sooner or later. It was ok. Also, met a nice family from Holland at breakfast this morning.....who were very friendly and thought Isaac was such a cutie. (btw...when i told them we were from USA.......they were like.....'oh really'...sarcastically. I'm is that obvious!!!???

Anyway, that's about all for now. Need to go make sure the little guy is still asleep. (no worries....he's upstairs with papa.....not by himself).

I promise i'm going to keep trying to post a picture. Have a few picked out already.


KellyG said...

I'm soo soo happy and excited for you! i've been glued to your blog since you left! It's almost like i'm living 'through' you...Hopefully by the summer i'll be there, seeing the same sights and having the same joyous feelings as you are feeling now!!
Can't wait to meet the lil guy!!!

Leigh said...

I'm so happy everything is going so well! It sure makes me feel better about heading that way on Tuesday!

Can't wait to see your pictures! Congratulations!

ShelleyR said...

So glad it's all going well! We all feel like stalkers, checking your blog so frequently. Anxious to see Isaac!!!

Jessica Johnston-Myers said...

Kim, I'm thrilled to know that you have your little man with you! I can hardly wait to see a photo of the two of you together!

Heather said...

Kim! I am at Mom's today and about had a heartattack because I could not find your website (now you know my sweet dial up so I have been on pins and needles until getting to Mom's to check in). But I found it and oh what a joy to read all the updates! Sounds like things are just going great - I so want to see some pics though. The kids, Mom and Shane are over my shoulders just as excited to read the updates as I am! I've only been to Sonic once since you left... but I'll hit it this afternoon in your honor :) I so wish I could talk to you. Can't wait until next week as you'll be home safe and sound with your SON! Tell your Mom and Dad all of us in AR said Hi and give Isaac a big hug and kiss from the Gadberry's!

mary beth said...

I am so happy for ya'll and can just imagine your excitement. It seems like things are moving along at a fast pace which hopefully means ya'll will be home quickly.

Dianna said...

I had to laugh when I read about your desire for Sonic. One of the other moms and I said that if God would just plop a Sonic down in the middle of HCMC, we could stay forever :)

Can't wait to see those pictures! Good luck today with all of your appointments.

Unknown said...

So I finally got to the blog! Cam & I have been running all weekend. I wish I had brought my laptop home from work. I started to stop at san francisco bread co. to use their pc's & look at the blog! I've been booting up at home now for almost an hour! So glad things are going well. The scooter thing is crazy!!! I wonder how long before Isaac starts saying, 'Mommy...Sonic!!!' I'm sure he'll figure it out quickly. I can't wait to see him and his mommy! Molly is fine. I have to fight my dogs out of her food bowl...but she has really made herself at home. Isaac is going to love her, I know. He sounds so easy going...I can't wait to see his personality! I'm sure he's sooo sweet! We were sooo wishing for pics. I better run, my pc is acting funny. Hope it doesn't blow! Is the plan to still be home b/4 Christmas if you can? Love you all!!! Can't wait to c u all! Hey Alfie and Kay! :-)

Stacy And Scott said...

I am so happy that things are going smoothly for you. Sounds like you are going to be home before we know it. I can't wait to meet the little guy. I am so happy for your and I know that you are tired, but on top of the world.

Cindy said...

Can't wait to see a picture of Isaac. Sounds like things are going really well for you guys! Can't wait to do a little shoppig myself! Have a great time!

Julie said...

We are so waiting for that picture of the little guy. Glad to hear everything is going well.

And we just got a Sonic here but haven't tried it yet. Just may have to run over there at lunchtime now.