Monday, December 17, 2007

Pictures at last!!!!

A little bit of teamwork! Thanks to Ruth for helping put the pics out Snapfish and to Heather for emailing them back to me. I was able to save from this hotel computer and then post to the blog.

At the rate i'm going though....not sure how many more pictures i'll be able to get out there. But at least you can now see Isaac!!!!

He's doing really well. Doesn't necessarily like to go to sleep when it's time and isn't so happy when he is tired......but other than that is just a happy happy baby......crawling everywhere, into everything, and pulling up like crazy. He jabbers and makes all kinds of funny sounds. And has these really cute facial expressions.

He is is a little cranky at times. Currently has two bottom teeth and two top teeth.

These pictures are taken at the center. The one of Isaac and me is taken just a few minutes after i first saw him. The one of my parents holding him is a little bit later. and notice their shirts......they are vietnamese for grandma and grandpa!

We leave for Hanoi tomorrow and not sure yet when we will get to leave to return home......will likely depend a lot of holiday air travel. But thinking we should definitely be home by at least Christmas Day!


Unknown said...

I have no idea what my pc is doing. I can't see the pic on the blog at all but I logged on as you and got to the pics via snapfish. He's a cutie!!! Can't wait to hold him! Your dad with his hat backwards is a riot!!! Cool papa!! Go Alfie! :-) Oh...a cold rag will do wonders for the teething when you get home! I left one in the freezer for Cam a lot! Miss you all so much! I even miss Isaac and haven't even met him yet! Post when you can! ~Aunt Melissa :)

KellyG said...

Kim~ He's adorable!!!can't wait to see you two once you get settled back at home!!!

Julie said...

Isaac is adorable. So glad you were finally able to post a few pictures. Congrats!!!

Jessica Johnston-Myers said...

Yeah! Photos!!!! You all look so happy! I'm thrilled to hear that things are going so quickly. You'll be home before you know it. Wow!

Heather said...

Kim - if you read this... you received a pkg at your desk from SPC! It's perishable, let me know what you'd like me to do with it. I can save some of it, but some of it will expire before you are back I'm afraid.

Brandy said...

He's so adorable! Congrats Kim!!!! So excited to see the pixs.

Kim said...

Hah! you are brilliant :) and Isaac is too! i just went on to see if i could do it and there it was! see you at breakfast. Izzy

ShelleyR said...

Hooray! We finally get to see you and Isaac! He's precious! And home by Christmas? Awesome.

Dianna said...

He's gorgeous! Enjoy every minute in Vietnam... and then baby proof like crazy when you get home. Sounds like Isaac is a mover and a shaker!

Heather said...

Hey Kim,

Steph wanted me to let you know this:
"if you talk to Kim or if you post another will you let her know I think she looks like a natural with Mr. Isaac, and I cant wait to meet him and for him to meet Ms. Amelia!"

CRAZY said...

Kim, I didn't even know you were on your way, until I got Misty's email. Congrats!!! He is a cutie, and grandma and grandpa look sooooo happy. I hope I am not a grandma before I get to see him.

mary beth said...

He is so darling! We can't wait for ya'll to get home and settled in! Hope to see you Christmas!